Friday, October 22, 2010

Team Doe on the go in Meltdown

April 17, 2009

By ANNE KAZMIERCZAK Register Reporter
Teresa Cheney is melting down. “When I first read about Allen County Meltdown, my first thought was, ‘This will be a great way to meet new people.’” That’s important to Cheney, who still remembers the joy of family gatherings.
“When I was a child, I remember my grandma and my mom growing a garden and then freezing and canning the food for family and friends. This was fun to me. They helped me understand the importance of working, laughing, and spending time together.
“As I've grown older, I've noticed there is less and less time set aside to enjoy the company of others,” said Cheney, a special Ed teacher. Though she loves her job, it keeps her busy.
“Tending to everyday responsibilities has a way of zapping the fun out of life,” said Cheney. “Women, especially, thrive when they are involved in some type of positive socialization. This program, to me, is not only about physical health but also mental health.”
Cheney joined with three friends, Brenda Gregg, Heather Bailey and Charlotte Hancock. All hope to lose weight.
“I personally have an extreme amount of weight to lose,” said Cheney. “I understand that I will not lose it all in 12 weeks. My goal is to improve my health while finding ways to have fun and enjoy doing it at the same time.”
That goal prompted a name the group discarded as too negative: “The Singing Fat Ladies.” 
“You know the saying, ‘It ain't over ‘til the fat lady sings,’” Cheney said. “The idea behind that name would be the struggle with weight is over.” Instead, the team went for the more cryptic Team Doe.
“People say John or Jane Doe when they don't know the identity of someone. Well, that's the idea behind this name,” Cheney explained. “We are four women who don't necessarily feel comfortable being noticed.”
Hopefully, the lifestyle changes resulting from participating in the Meltdown will alter that perspective.
Cheney and her crew are dedicated to that change.
“We check the Web site just about everyday,” Cheney said, to learn of events, classes and new recipes. The site posts a new recipe each week, complete with calorie counts and fat gram totals.
“I went to the first Zumba workout last weekend,” Cheney said. “I am not coordinated at all, but I had already made up my mind that I was going to do the best I could do and enjoy it. I had a blast!”
In addition to Meltdown classes, the group coordinates its own activities.
“We are going to watch a ‘Walking Away the Pounds’ exercise video. We’re picking nights we can get together and walk. We’re sort of alternating things so we don’t get bored,” she said. In addition, Cheney joined Curves.
Being part of an organized event works for her, Cheney said.
“It’s helped me to get focused.”

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