Monday, October 4, 2010

Lawnmowers are coming!

Watch your toes if you’re standing on West street Friday night. Better yet, move out of the way! Blindfolded lawnmower operators will be maneuvering through a series of obstacles in front of the Post Office from 7 to 8 p.m. as part of the Charley Melvin Run For Your Life festivities.
About 24 teams of two are expected to enter the race, said coordinator Mike Ford.
Each team will have a blindfolded driver, plus a navigator who runs beside them, directing them through straw bales, traffic cones and the like. Each driver must make one loop through the course, returning to their starting point.
If all goes as planned, four riding mowers — all have been leant by John Deere — will be racing concurrently.
Ford hopes to have two mowers each moving east and west from their starting point in front of the post office.
“I had seen (such a race) years before and it’s a hoot to watch,” Ford said.
Ford noted it’s a fun, free way to enjoy the wackiness associated with the Mad Bomber Run.
Interested participants should sign up as soon as possible at Thrive Allen County, 365-8128, or

IF POKING someone with a stick is more your style, sign up for “Adult Jousting.”
Jousts take place at 8 p.m., following the lawnmower race.
Jousters will take their posts in an inflatable ring and use soft staves that appear more like “giant Q-tips,” Ford noted.
Jousters will pay $5 each to fight three rounds, Ford said. Winner of each match gets his or her money back, and the loser’s pot goes to support efforts of Allen County Crimestoppers and Thrive Allen County.
Teams of four can also sign up — Ford suggested local businesses can express their healthy competitive side with one another this way.
Team sign up fee is $20. Call Thrive to register.


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