Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bee spells F-U-N at fair

It was a Wicoff family wipe out at the first-ever Allen County Fair spelling bee.
The bee was begun at the behest of Lisa Wicoff, who “thought it would be fun,” she said. Wicoff had been to a similar bee at the Kansas State Fair, she noted.
She hoped that local nursing homes would bring bus loads of residents to compete, but it was the nine to 12 year olds who outnumbered all other contestants Tuesday evening.
In all, 15 competitors in three age classes tried their skills against a list of words presented by three judges. Another half dozen spectators watched.
Henry Wicoff, 7, won the five to eight year old class; Isaiah Wicoff topped the nine to 12 year olds and Lisa Wicoff took the 13 and over level.
At the end of the event, the Wicoffs faced each other in a friendly family show down where Henry beat his parents and siblings.
Still, no one really lost. All contestants in the event received a candybar and pop for their efforts.

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